A Strange Magic: Nabaneeta Dev Sen’s Poem, When It Rains
This week in Daak:
1. A Strange Magic: Nabaneeta Dev Sen’s Poem, When It Rains
2. Introducing A New Coaster Set Of Nicholas Roerich’s Paintings
3. Daak Recommends
1. A Strange Magic: Nabaneeta Dev Sen’s Poem, When It Rains
It often feels like the entire human experience is a pursuit of simplicity: of understanding, explaining, and categorizing everything. We desperately seek labels for every feeling, sensation, experience, and relationship. And yet, each of us knows from first-hand experience that the mind is a vast and varied landscape, capable of accommodating contradicting and shifting attitudes. Trust a poet to capture this strange melange of emotions!
Among the most versatile and well-known Bengali writers, Nabaneeta Dev Sen’s poetry is unique for her spontaneity and range of thought. In her poem “When it Rains”, Sen unites many different associations we have with rain; A torrential downpour can bring fear and chaos, as well as a sense of washing away the past. While it can invoke our deepest sorrows, it also gives new life to our surroundings, allowing us to see the world in new colours.
When it rains it seems the room itself turns blue, trembles
and falls like rain, as if endless time coming from nowhere
fills the room, as if endless wind blowing in
carries the room to the riverbank;
turning into a boat, I float
I get soaked; swaying, shivering, I keep
moving; in the distance one can see the line where
the river meets the sea, as if
all around waves hiss, as if there’s nobody around
anywhere as if a profound sobbing chokes the throat
as if terrifying harsh sobs strangle
the room – By what strange magic
the ten directions sparkle in a moment,
as if everything will revert
to its real shape, as if all is a dance,
all is rhythm, all is tinted light –
Awakening and seeing the rain, sometimes it’s
like this, then I pray Oh sky
break up the room and give me more rain!
Translation by Sunil B. Ray, Nandana Dev Sen, and Carolyne Wright with the poet
2. Introducing A New Coaster Set of Nicholas Roerich’s Paintings
Get this stunning coaster set which showcases Roerich's profound connection to the spirituality and nature he experienced in India.
3. Daak Recommends
Read this touching article by Nabaneeta Dev Sen’s daughter, Nandana Sen, on translating her mother’s work.
Also, watch this video of Nandana Sen reciting her mother’s poem, “Too Much”, in Bengali and in English.