good to know which side you're on, and to see these beautiful poems! it's easy to think of war and conflict as ancient things, far away from us, but these recent years with russia-ukraine and israel-palestine have brought to the attention of my american peers (and i) just how urgent they remain. these poems give me hope, however, that resolution remains around a corner, and that even amid the rubble there lies space for ek bachche to pick up a flower, perhaps a dandelion which, blown on, can spread ek tamanna.

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Media spins garbage like the emphasis on certain deaths, humanizing them while minimising massacres and dehumanising them. Perhaps you could read more. None of this started with Hamas none of it started with oct 7th. Read about colonisation and the nakbah. Read about the oppression and apartheid state and violence from Zionists in Israeli govt and army indoctrination of the nation state. Read about the definition of a genocide. This is not complex it’s a genocide and it’s not as simple as pointing to oct 7th. Do read! Also anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism! Again folks, I invite you to not be so unintelligent if you raise this point .

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Reena Kapoor- The Media spins garbage like the emphasis on certain deaths, humanizing them while minimising massacres and dehumanising others. Asking the question whose lives are of more value?! Be a critical thinker. Perhaps you could read more. None of this started with Hamas none of it started with oct 7th. Read about colonisation and the nakbah. Read about the oppression and apartheid state and violence from Zionists in Israeli govt and army indoctrination of the nation state. Read about the definition of a genocide. This is not complex it’s a genocide and it’s not as simple as pointing to oct 7th. Do read! Also anti-Zionism is not anti-semitism! Again folks, I invite you to not be so unintelligent if you raise this point .

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I see you had zero words for victims of terrorism of Israel by Hamas, which btw is not the same as Palestinians. Peace comes from truth and the rejection of murderous violence on all sides. Takes real courage.

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Read my comment above Reena.

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You know basic math, don't you? lol

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